Motorcycle Dealer in Las Vegas
Flexible Appointments
To custom-tailor a service for you, we make it easy to set up an appointment with us. Your time is valuable!
Certified Mechanics
Dirt bikes, sport bikes, street bikes — Our mechanics have the solutions to repair the issues.
Unbeatable Prices
We guarantee lowest prices in town along with expert services to help you buy the right bike.
Five-Star Rated Dealership
All of our agents take the time to tailor a sale for your needs. We’re dedicated to find the perfect bike for you.
Robust Inventory
We carefully curate our collection to offer the best selections in the city. Only the best models are added.
Quick Financial Approval
Worry less about money! Financing a new bike doesn’t have to be difficult with our fast approval rate.
It’s the road that begs for your exploration and wander, or the call of the racetrack that brings thrills to the bones. With BBV Powersports, we’ll partner you with a bike worth a lifetime.
READ OUR STORYExcellence in Motorsport Services Since 1997
The epitome of motorsports is found in our dedicated services.
They’re custom-tailored to guarantee a successful repair to deliver your bike
to its natural habitat– the highway.
- Certified Motorsports mechanics dedicated to providing quality repair
- Top-rated motorcycle mechanics in Las Vegas with long-lasting solutions
- Friendly service from start to finish
- Dependable and trusted work since 1997
- Fast turnaround in bike services to bring you back on the road
At BBV Powersports, we’ve built a reputation based on collection, affordability, value and quality. You can clearly see this in all the Powersports we add to the inventory as we’ve become one of the preeminent motorcycle dealers in Las Vegas. Find a motorcycle, ATV, or scooter that’s calling your name from the best manufacturers like Suzuki, Kawasaki, Honda, Harley Davidson, and BMW. Find your edge with bikes that’s both exhilarating and thrilling to ride.
Don’t let financing get in the way of your interests. Let us help you! We’ve been assisting consumers with all range of credit types to receive the lowest interest. Worried about bad credit or no credit? Get yourself approved with us. We’ll help you get on the road when other motorcycle dealers in Las Vegas can’t.
BBV Powersports is your trusted Las Vegas motorcycle dealership offering maintenance and repairs at competitive rates. We live and breathe the elements of powersports as we extend our profession from the road to the shop. It is in our best interest to get you back on the road in the fastest turnaround.
The moment you’ve experienced BBV Powersports, you’ll see a difference in service, and you won’t want to go anywhere else.
A Thrill-Seeking Motorsports Purchase
Fall in love with our tremendous collection of bikes, ATVs, scooters, and more as our dealers offer information worth noting for an incredible purchase. Any bike is guaranteed to have a legendary performance.
- Enormous inventory to suit all kinds of preference
- Easy and fast approval rate from financial institutions
- Certified dealers with custom-tailored services to match you with your potential bike
- Impressive ambassadors of legacy in motorsports innovation